
BEAUTIFUL POEMS BY STUDENS NIDA GULZAR- GRADE 6 In my heart, kindness resides With normal intelligence, my mind guides I am always ready to take a hand My helpful side...

Project Tiger
project tigerby Mir Tazkiya (grade 5) Project Tiger is a wildlife conservation movement initiated in India in April 1973 by the government of India during Prime minister Indira Gandhi's tenure...

Having a best friend
Story by Aaima Kaisar Shah of grade 5HAVING A BEST FRIENDOnce upon a time, there were two friends walking through the forest. After some time they had an argument and...

“Be the parent today that you want your kids to remember tomorrow”.We all want our child to be successful, happy and get the very best in life. The first...

Let’s Go Camping in the Backyard!
Record a video of your child enjoying this activity and share on your social media page with #ShemTips. Paste the link to your post in the comments. You can also send...

Let’s Make a Special Scrapbook
Record a video of your child enjoying this activity and share on your social media page with #ShemTips. Paste the link to your post in the comments. You can also...

Can You Make the Pictures Story?
Record a video of your child enjoying this activity and share on your social media page with #ShemTips and paste the link to your post in the comments. You can...